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Contact Us

You can email us or complete the contact form below.

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If you wish to contact Our Lady's or the Sacred Heart Parishes, or if you have a compliment or complaint, you can do so by e-mailing Lorraine Foster, our Admin Assistant, at: parish.sacredheartwestonfavell@northamptondiocese.orgor by telephoning: 01604 402301. If there is no answer, please leave a message and we will respond to you once someone is in the office.

Please note that any queries and contact with the Parish Office is always dealt with confidentially.


For enquiries regarding Baptism and Confirmation certificates, you must provide us with the approximate date of the event i.e. month and year, and your full name with a contact address and telephone number. 


For items you wish to be included in the weekly church newsletter, please email Lorraine Foster at:

If you have a safeguarding issue or wish to report a safeguarding issue, please contact the Parish Safeguarding Representative on

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