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Safeguarding is a community responsibility and requires us all to be vigilant and responsible for taking action, where there are concerns regarding the welfare of those who are vulnerable in our church. It is important that where there are concerns, individuals take action by speaking with someone about these concerns, no matter how small they may seem. If individuals are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, then there are a number of options available to speak with someone. 

The Parish Safeguarding Representative is Lorraine Foster who can be contacted through this website, by parish email, or by telephone on 01604 402301.

You can also raise your concerns with Fr Brendan or our Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Danielle Dixon. Her office telephone: 01604 723514 and email:

Safeguarding Support Officer: Laura Lester. Her office telephone: 01604 723516 and email:

If there are immediate concerns about the safety of someone, then please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

We are a fortunate parish, in that there are a number of volunteers willing to give their skills, experience and time to assist with the numerous groups that take place. It is important that all prospective volunteers are deemed appropriate to undertake the role they wish to assist with, before doing so. The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) formerly known as the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) is the safeguarding process the Diocese uses for all regulated activity within the parish, to ensure the safeguarding of vulnerable groups, including children and vulnerable adults.

If you wish to volunteer in our parish or need to update your DBS, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Representative, Lorraine Foster and she will talk you through all the requirements. The DBS can be completed using the standard purple form or we can now process applications online.

As an applicant, your data is held by the parish and the diocese and you must be aware of our policies and procedures with regards to your data. You must read and have understood the DBS Standard/Enhanced Check Privacy Policy and agree to the Registered Body and its agents receiving an e-result and, if applicable, be aware that the Registered Body and its agents will share this information with other parties involved in the recruitment process. (CSSA Privacy Policy)

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